The visual story begins with a natural analogue for thought. A slitscan view of the mechanics of matter and time as we see rupturing objects reminiscent of branching neural pathways. It is an aesthetic study of the foundations of the system upon which our story will unfold.
The music originated from my attempt to capture a free-flowing stream of thought, to communicate the free thinking, ideas generating state. My work relies as much on this process as it does on rigorous logical thought, and I wanted to try and capture the free part without much subsequent editing. With the meandering development of themes, and changes of direction, like a stream.
I worked with Optical Arts Studio on the visual interpretation of this idea, and they constructed a special system of shattering objects under slitscan filming, where time is stretched out across each frame exposure as a spatial rendering. It creates the effect of solid objects disintegrating into a multitude of paths, capturing the ideas of a stream of thought in visual form.
I worked with Lawrence Kendrick and Niels Orens on the spatial audio mix, mapping the positional information and flow of sounds to the structures of the video sequence.